Friday, August 21, 2009

A Rough Start

This morning started off like any other......except it contained puking and screaming.

The puking came from Mikey, who has been complaining of a headache since about 2 pm yesterday.(he went to the nurse at school and they sent me a note home.) He made it the whole day but I figured he was complaining that his head hurt because of computer class.( he used that excuse in kindergarten when the stuff he was learning was hard for him) I didn't buy what he was selling. LOL! After school yesterday he just went to his bed and stayed there all night. Seriously. All night. At about midnight he came into my bed to sleep. About a half hour later I an awoken to the sound of his throwing up. (yes, yes, you guessed it...all over my sheets) Ahhh the joys of motherhood.

After I cleaned it all up ( insert GAG here) we all went back to sleep. This morning, 7 a.m. rolls around. Mikey still feels hot , but the puking seems to be gone......

*note I said seems*

Right after I thought that the coast was clear, blahhhhhhhhhhhh all over HIS bed. Man! Sheets are in the wash as I speak(well type) school has been called and medi has been given. Puke bowl is in place, since obviously making it to the bathroom is off the table.....

Now onto the screaming-----------
I dropped Zachary off at PreK this morning. Needless to say, that's why there was screaming. You see, from the time he woke up, he said he didn't want to go to school.
****Quick back story****
He hates nap time at school. HATES it! Sometimes he sleeps, but when he doesn't and the other kids do, he's all alone on his little mat, bored out of his mind. He wants to go play, and the rules are that if you don't sleep then you have to read books while having quiet time.( no playing off your mat or with toys)
No big deal I thought, since he has quiet time when he's home too.
Boy was I wrong!! since he started school, Ive heard about how much he doesn't want to take a nap.
Fast forward to today......
He had a major,major,major meltdown. Screaming,crying and snot. Yup.
That bad.
This is the first time he's been away from me for more then a few hours and it's hard on the poor kid. Throw in having to take a nap when he wants to play and you've got yourself a recipe for disaster ,darling.
I made a deal with him that if he was a big boy and there was no crying and his teacher (Mrs. W) told me that he was a big boy with no crying, then we could go to dinner where ever he wanted-----
Can you guess where he picked??? Yup, his favorite, BK!
I told his teacher what the incentive was and that if they could remind him of his "reward" for being a big boy. They assured me they would, but somehow I'm not so sure if a bribe will work this time.
What a lovely morning, eh??
At least it's Friday.I have girls night to look forward too!!!
I hope you all are having a better morning then I.
As always thanks for stopping by!
p.s.---30 days today till hubs home! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like u really had a great day on Friday. I sure hope things got better for you. The BK thing sounds like it worked for now! Good Luck! Keep your chin up, its got to get better. LOL