Thursday, October 23, 2008

Mikey's First Conference

So today was the day. He did verry well! he only needs to work on...ok really work on some number skills. Here's what he scored on his that's going to take some getting use

Grading Guidelines

1-below expectations

2-approaches expectation

3-meets expectation

4-exceeds expectation


Recognizes rhyming words........3

Produces rhyming words........4

Counts syllables in words.......2

Produces initial sounds...........4

Identifies letters by sound........2

Demonstrates story comprehension....3


Ideas and content..........3



Identifies numbers 0 to 50.........1

Writes numbers 0 to 50........1

Counts to 50 by 1's..............2

Counts backwards from 15..........1

Extends AB, ABC,AAB patterns as indicated.....2

Creates AB, ABC, AAB patterns as indicated......2


Names circles,square, triangle, rectangle and ellipse.......3

  • She did tell me that although she hasn't taught it yet, Mikey has what a HEXAGON is down perfect!!!!!

Student Responsibilities

Assumes Responsibility.......3

Cooperates with others.....3

Does personal best.........3

Respects peers/adults........3

Uses active listening........3


Exhibits skills of participation, effort and good behavior.......4

Gym (Work habits)

Listens and follows rules and directions, including safety.........4

Works effectively in team/individual activities.........4

works to potential..................4

So overall, I'm very proud of Mikey and i know his daddy will be too, once i get to tell him....we know what we need to concentrate on and that's GREAT! She also said that she wouldn't put him in the category of "needing help" with his speech.( which is a HUGE relief b/c we have been worried about it for a while.) We wont get to have a conference next time...its just going to be another report card sent the "big kids". We will practice practice practice and hopefully we will see improvement( which would should b/c Mikey's a genious! )

Oh and its a four day...wish me luck!!!!

1 comment:

Aubrey Anne said...

I'm so proud of Mikey! Tell him again how much we love him and will miss him! He's such a sweetheart. We will miss you all!!! :( :( :(