Friday, January 9, 2009


So as most of you know, Ive been on Zoloft now for about 7 weeks. I was on it before we found out we were pregnant with Hailey but had to stop taking it because its a class 2 drug( aka unsafe for the baby) Anyways, I'm soooo excited because Ive been doing things that normally terrify the heck out of me. My social anxiety will NOT get the best of me ANYMORE!!! Here's my new accomplishments( which many will think is totally not a huge deal, but for me it is)

  • I went to the gym for the first time ever a few days ago. Ive always wanted to go but have been so afraid of the "unknowns" of it all that I never went. I'm Soooooo thankful for these meds.I'm going back Thursday and plan to drop 20 pounds by September, thank you very much!)
  • I went into Little Ceazers and got a pizza( a job my hubby would normally do for me)
  • Ive been more in touch and hanging out with my girlfriends( Selena and Sarah). It feels good to be able to talk to them and they totally deal with the same things I am.(Sarah's hubby is deployed with mine)I LOVE that I am a homebody, but am starting to realize that Ive spent wayyyy to much time in my house these past few years. Hanging home s a great thing, but I cannot do that anymore. I'm 26-not 62. I'm looking forward to doing a LOT more with my life from here on out.
  • Ive had a fear of the drive thru for as long as I can remember....and Ive gone thru a bunch of times lately.( partly because Ive decided to not live in fear anymore and partly because hubby is deployed....TO IRAQ (LOL) and he isn't here to do it for me!) Either way, I'm doing it and thats whats important.

So there's my little update! I'm sooooooooo happy with how Ive been feeling and where my life is heading. Now all I need is for these next 9 months to FLY by so I can enjoy LIVING my life...with my husband and kids.!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you're talking about, there are stores that I won't go into, the Mom and Pop type, no reason that I can explain but I can't make myself stop and go in for a coke. As far as drive throughs, I can remember when Ted and I were in Fl.we were in a bowling league right after work. On the way home I would debate with myself whether or not to drive through Popeye's for chicken. On occasion I would stop but many time I drove by even though I really wanted fried chicken. It's so hard to explain to anyone. What do you say, "I;m afraid to go in that store" they look at me like I'm nuts. I've been taking celebrex for quite some time for anxiety, it dosn't totally eliminate it but helps. This is a problem that runs through our family and it can be very debilitating. Hang in there and know you're not alone.
